Saturday, May 29, 2010

Photo Hunt :: Memorial

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It's not easy saying goodbye to a family member. Adults easily feel the pain of losing a loved one but most young children are lucky because their innocence help shield them from such a sad reality.

This photo was taken on the day of my sister-in-law's interment last January. My little niece was curious about the memorial plaques on the ground. She's too young to grasp the concept of death. Perhaps, it's better that way. 

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  1. this photo is so touching. i agree, it's better that way for now.

  2. What a poingnant photo. Blessings to your little niece. Lovely take on the theme.

  3. It is such a thouching photo Rachel. Let's hope she stays innocent for as long as possible

  4. Beautiful photograph and post for the theme. I am so sorry about your sister in law.

  5. As someone once observed, we're dying every second we live. I know some people might think this idea morbid but I think of it as an injunction and reminder for us to treasure life's every moment and not take life for granted because it IS transient.

  6. this photo touches my heart. i can identify having lost my dearest one.

    great choice!

  7. I'm sorry for your loss Rachel and for your little niece's loss of her dear mother.

  8. a poignant photo. kids are often more accepting and down to earth than adults about death.

  9. yes, in a way i guess it's good that they're young to understand. my condolences rach,.

  10. what a beautiful post for the theme. losing someone we loved dearly is never easy. sorry for your loss.

  11. one day she will realise that (I presume) her mum is gone. My daughter was 5 when her bro died. She cried and cried.

  12. It's beautiful so see such innocence too. :)

    p/s: what's those tiny white lines?

  13. Great take for this week.

    Happy PH, mine is posted here.

    Have a great weekend.

  14. Oh..sorry for the loss.

    Very poignant photo indeed.

    Mariposa's PhotoHunt

  15. I am sorry for your loss Rachel. The photo is a very touching one.

  16. That photo really tugs at the heartstrings. I'm sorry for your loss.

  17. Hi Rachel! It's been quite a while since I've stopped by your blog! Love the post and the commentary that went with it.

    My photohunt post is up

  18. Thank you everyone for your kind words. I appreciate it.

    The little girl is my niece but she's not the daughter of my late sister-in-law.

  19. I always say to kids, she is just sleeping. They still do not have the concept.

    It is hard losing someone close to your heart.

  20. Poor girl. She'll understand all too soon. What a sad memorial.
