Friday, November 06, 2009

Team Edward of Team Jacob?

I read New Moon around November of last year. It was also in November 2008 when I watched Twilight on the big screen. Now, a year later, I can't wait to watch New Moon.

Even my son knows how much I'm looking forward to the movie. He spotted the large movie standees at the mall and I couldn't resist taking some pictures.

Here are two of my favorite quotes in the book New Moon:

"I thought I’d explained it clearly before. Bella,
I can’t live in a world where you don’t exist."

~Edward, New Moon

"Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf?"

~Jacob Black, New Moon

Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?

I'm fond of Jacob but I've been dazzled by Edward from the start.
Team Edward!

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  1. I love the character of Edward... but as for who is the better looking - I'll go for Jacob.

  2. Rach, i really can't wait, the days are so dragging so slow...Ugh!

  3. I can't wait to see the movie too.

  4. I am Team Jacob, young, vibrant and full of life :) (he is hot too, shhhh)

  5. I'm definitely looking forward to the movie.

  6. Most of the time I'm with Team Edward, but in different chapters of the 4 books, I liked Jacob more. =) Our playdate here is few days late, but acceptable naman. Heehee.

  7. haven't seen any of their movies.... i feel so out of touch!!! that was so thoughtful of Yohan....
    hugs and kisses...

  8. Team Edward! :O

  9. Team Jacob pero parang gusto ko na maging Team Yohan :)

  10. Team Bella hehe ...
