Thursday, October 22, 2009

Friends From Down Under

Three years ago, my former colleague and dear friend decided to take a chance in Australia with her family. Her husband landed a job in a restaurant and the contract gave him the privilege to bring his family with him. They had some challenges along the way but I'm glad that they were able to overcome every hurdle. Now they are happy and comfortably nestled in Australia. In fact, they just bought a new home.

My friend together with her husband and three kids are here for a short vacation. I was so happy when they went to our house yesterday for a visit. True friendship always remain strong despite the distance. We had fun exchanging stories and catching up with one another. Our kids had a wonderful time bonding.

My friend's daughter also happens to be my goddaughter. She has grown up since I last saw her. I gave the kids some gifts. When my son saw me give the gifts, he was inspired to give his own gifts too. He asked my permission if he could give some small toys to his friends. I gave him the go signal and it was nice to see him happily share his toys.

My friend and her family also gave us some gifts. They are still as sweet and thoughtful as before.

Thank you Anton and Cris for the wonderful gifts.

I like this cute personalized brush.

post signature


  1. Ang cute naman ng brush. I actually appreciate anything personalized. =)

  2. The pink brush looks so pretty! I hope all is well with you, Rachel. It's been a while since your last post. :)

  3. The pink brush is really cute... I also like the penmanship...
