Monday, August 24, 2009

Weekend Snapshot #83 - Pixar's Up

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My family and I enjoyed watching Up, Pixar's latest animated film. It's a funny and heartwarming movie about a 78-year-old balloon salesman named Carl Fredricksen. His strong love for his wife Ellie pushes him to go on an adventure of a lifetime. He ties every balloon he owns to his house and flies away to South America. His plans become complicated when he discovers Russell, an 8-year-old Wilderness Explorer outside his home as it soars in the sky. That is only the start of the adventure. I recommend that you watch the movie and join Carl and Russell in their journey.

Yohan wearing his Up t-shirt.
Photo taken at ATC.

This movie has made it to my family's list of animation favorites. If you've already seen it, I'm sure it made your list too. Am I right?

Photo taken at SM Lipa.
Just admiring the Up display.

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  1. ohhh, my cousin was asking me to watch this movie with her. i didn't know she's referring to this movie!:P

  2. I will go... :-)

  3. I haven't seen this movie yet but I've heard nothing but great things about it.

  4. I haven't seen this... people rave about it.

  5. Ciao Rachel! It's the first time I hear about it, but now I'm curious and will check it out ;) Zeno and I love animation-movies. :) Glad you had a lovely time. Yohan looks taller every time you show a pic :D Hugs! Happy day!

  6. we haven't seen this movie yet...

  7. That looks like a fun movie!

  8. Oh Wow I can't wait to watch it with my sons too!

  9. Yes, it did, Rach! I love the movie! I watched it 2x. Lately pa naman I am very emotional kaya lalo kong nagustuhan :)

  10. Wala pang time...puro UP Up and Away ako the past month...but will surely see it, malamang sa eroplano :)

  11. That's a cute movie!

  12. Where did you buy that shirt from sis? We watched it on Friday and Deye was telling me a while ago to watch it all over again.

  13. We saw UP in Megamall. I love their display too. We also took pictures of our kids with the UP display.

  14. I love the movie too. Madaming lesson at nakakaiyak!!!!

  15. Your blog looks perfect with nice picture. It was nice going through your blog. Keep it up the good work.

  16. Oooh, I haven't seen this yet but I've been wanting to since I saw the trailer way, way back! I'm a big fan of animated movies---I watched every single one that came out, I think, even in the days of 2D animation.

  17. Thanks for the post Rachel, I will try to watch this movie
