Friday, July 03, 2009

Aloha Friday #75

Rules: Post any question on your blog on a Friday, share your answer and sign Kailani's Mr. Linky. Then have fun answering the questions of fellow participants by visiting their blogs.

Is there something you're sorry about

I would like to take this opportunity to say sorry to my blog friends who have recently tagged me with meme and awards. I'm sorry if I failed to do recent tags because I've been a little preoccupied. I'm afraid I lost track of some tags already and hope you won't take it against me. I hope I can make it up to you next time.

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  1. I always have things I need forgiveness for.

  2. odette6:58 PM

    hi rach, my exact dilemma as well!
    take care!

  3. I'm sorry to all those I've wronged.

    Okay. I've said my piece here. Now it's up to those concerned to find my apology.. ;)

  4. East Coast Wahine6:58 PM

    Me too Rach!

  5. Harriet6:59 PM

    Not spending more time with my parents. fridays.html

  6. Audrey6:59 PM

    Sure, there are always things I'm sorry for. Once you've said you're sorry and it's sincere, you need to move on :)

  7. Anissa6:59 PM

    No -- just sorry I told certain things about my life to someone -- Because it turns out she wasn't really my friend.

  8. Jennifer6:59 PM

    Same as you. Not getting awards posted and for not making my bloggy rounds.

  9. Jeremy7:00 PM

    Definitely however I've tried to move on. There's always things I could have done differently however all I can do is make correct choices going forward. You know what they say, "even when you fall on your face, just make sure you fall forward".

  10. Drahdrah7:00 PM

    Yup... but there's not turning back, only moving forward.

  11. Pamela Kramer7:00 PM

    oh very much so! There's a list - note to self never reveal you don't like your dd's bf.

  12. blueviolet7:00 PM

    I think we all have things we're sorry about. We wouldn't be human if we didn't.

  13. Junnie7:01 PM

    ok lang for yourself and have time for yourself :)

  14. TheAngelForever7:01 PM

    We are all human and there are always times that being sorry happens.

  15. bonggamom7:01 PM

    I'm always sorry when I lose my temper and yell at my kids.

  16. just last night i blew my top over some silly thing hubby and i argued about. he went to work w/o us making up. that made me feel so rotten

  17. Becca7:02 PM

    I'm sorry when I misjudge people. That's a terrible feeling.

  18. chris7:02 PM

    when i lose my temper at my kids

  19. ♥ Thanks everyone for answering my Aloha Friday question this week. It feels good to say sorry about certain things in life but it is equally important to learn from our mistakes and move on.

  20. Yah I fail a million times a day! I feel bad when I'm crabby.. I feel bad when I make a rash decision..that turns out not so great! I feel horrible when I don't exercise UGH lol :)

  21. Maria @ Conversations with Mom7:03 PM

    I feel bad when I lose my temper with my children.

    I understand what you mean about the awards. I'm way behind as well. I feel really bad about it too.

  22. catrosinfo7:03 PM

    when i lose my temper at my sister.
