Thursday, June 18, 2009

Yohanism #32

* These are separate incidents.*

Incident 1

I laughed so hard when I saw Yohan trying to coerce the computer to load an online game faster. He was making actions with his hands pretending to be a wizard putting a spell on someone.

Yohan: " You are under my spell. I command you to load. I command you to load."

He had no idea I was watching him. When he noticed me, we both burst into laughter.

Incident 2

Yohan was on the computer while I was watching TV. He suddenly complains ...

Yohan: " Mom, why does your mouse have a mind of its own?"

Ha ha! Apparently, he was having a little difficulty controlling the mouse at that time.

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  1. RennyBA9:43 PM

    Could I please borrow Yohan for a day or too? You see I need to speed up my puter :-)

  2. ha, ha! cute.

  3. sheng9:43 PM

    hehe, that's cute

  4. lady cess9:43 PM

    hahaha! hay naku yohan, our computers must be siblings :D

  5. fennywong9:45 PM

    haha.... it's really amusing! Yohan will be grateful that you have kept such kind of memories alive after many many years....

  6. katcarneo9:45 PM

    Incident one has got to be influenced by Harry Potter! Kids say the darndest things.....

    Sometimes my mouse has a mind of it's own too!

  7. Ciao Rach, I have got a few free mins and I wanted to pop in and say hello. You son is amazing :lol: I'm sure he will be very happy as an adult to see you collected all these memories for him :) Big hugs!

  8. Maria @ Conversations with Mom9:45 PM

    That is incredibly adorable. I command you to load. LOL

    I love his imagination.

  9. Hahahahaha! That was funny and cute! Yohan is so cute! I can't wait till B is the same age.

  10. Ha! cute one Yohan!

  11. Jedi mind trick LOL! He's so cute!
