Monday, June 08, 2009

Weekend Snapshot #76

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Last Saturday, Hubby and I attended the Luau Birthday party of Yana (our friend's daughter). Sadly we weren't able to bring Yohan because it was raining really hard that day. Yohan just recovered from cough and colds so we thought it best not to bring him along. He had a Hawaiian shirt ready for the occasion but we just didn't want to risk him getting sick again. We missed Yohan the whole time we were there.

Yana's Lilo and Stitch cake and cupcakes.

The lovely 3D cake up close.

I love the cute 3D cupcakes.

Chanda (the celebrant's mom) gave me a Stitch cupcake to bring home to Yohan.

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  1. dong ho10:30 PM

    hahaha... good decision and good boy yohan he agreed. hope you find a special time for that hawaiian shirt.

  2. oo nga grabe ang ulan ngayon. mahirap na baka magkasakit pa ulit si yohan. sad nga lang he didn't get to enjoy the party.

  3. Arlene10:30 PM

    Rach, they looked so cute and yummy. ano ang nasa loob? chocolate flavor ba? Id like to imagine that it is. hehehe

  4. @Arlene: The cupcake is chocolate flavor. I'm not sure what Stitch is made of but it tasted good.

  5. Carver10:31 PM

    I hope Yohan will be well soon. Looks like a fun party and good that you brought your son a treat home since he missed it.

  6. bookbabie10:31 PM

    What a fun "cake". We did something similar for my future gandbaby's baby shower recently!

  7. The EXplorer10:32 PM

    Birthdays is one of the things that I envy with the kids...c",) I wish I can be a kid again...

  8. LOVE the cupcakes!

  9. awww...sayang naman that Yohan missed the fun but as a mom like you, I know what's more important and besides, there's always a next year's party.The birthday goodies are all cute!

  10. cool party theme... i love it!

  11. Girlie10:33 PM

    uh oh...too bad, Yohan could have enjoyed. hope he gets to attend another party like that

  12. So cute to eat it. Do they have doraemon one? ;p

  13. Wow, that a great themed birthday party. Love those cupcakes!

  14. iluvgreen10:34 PM

    wow nice namn ng cake, parang sarap maging bata ulit? would you know kung saan pinagawa, may niece is celebrating her 7th bday, parang cute ung ganyang cake.

  15. Photo Cache10:34 PM

    Amazing how elaborate kids b/day celebs nowadays and how much time dedicated to the preparation.

    It looked like it was a success.

  16. Healthy Moms10:35 PM

    I love the cake and the cup cake! I bet you had a great time. Too bad Yohan wasn't with you.

  17. Bengbeng10:35 PM

    hope Yohan is much better now

  18. eastcoastlife10:35 PM

    The 3D cupcakes are so cute! I think Yohan would be reluctant to eat it. :)

  19. Maria @ Conversations with Mom10:36 PM

    You always have pictures of birthday parties with these amazing themes. It inspires me to do more for my sons' birthday parties.

  20. Adorable cupcakes, Rach! Glad Yohan was able to enjoy one too. How is he doing now? :) Big hugs!!

  21. Alice Teh10:36 PM

    I hope Yohan is feeling much better now. Chanda is really sweet for giving you a Stitch cupcake to bring home to Yohan. :)

  22. those cupcakes look so nice. mmmm i love cupcakes!

  23. How sad for Yohan...I bet he was disappointed he didn't get to wear his shirt.
    Glad his smile is back and he is feeling better.
    Cute idea for the party.


  24. jeanette10:37 PM

    Gday Rachel, So sad to hear Yohans been sick and was unable to go the party.Love the birthday cake and he looks so happy to have recieved a lovely cupcake..

  25. jeanny10:37 PM

    thats cute. I wanted to make something like that ;)

    Happy Weekend Rach!

  26. GreyMom10:38 PM

    Hi Rach,
    Aaaawww, poor Yohan! But at least he had his very own Stitch cupcake!
    Those cupcakes look yummy! Thanks for sharing!

  27. katcarneo10:38 PM

    How cute those cupcakes are---I would want to eat them. Yohan looks happy even if he didn't get to go to the party. A Stitch cupcake is an excellent pasalubong.

  28. sarap nito, kahit sa tingin lang sa pics,....hmhmhmhm

    mabuti meron din para ki yohan.....
    cute pa ang para sa kanya.......
