Monday, May 25, 2009

Weekend Snapshot #74

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Last weekend my family and I went to the mall to shop for Yohan's school stuff. We were able to buy all the required school supplies plus new shoes, school bag, lunch box and other school essentials. Yohan is an incoming Prep student this June. The first day of classes is June 8, 2009.

After shopping, Yohan requested to have some snacks inside the store. I wish all stores had mini snack bars inside :). We had some popcorn and cupcakes for snack.

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  1. Enjoy the last few days of break before school starts.

    Thank God, all stores don't have snack bars! LOL

  2. @Pam: Thanks. We're taking advantage of the remaining summer break.

  3. Yohan sure loves Superman! :)

    We were also able to get the things our little kid needs. Her first school day will be on June 1st :)

  4. @VH: Yes, he loves Superman and other comic heroes.

    Your daughter's first day of school is earlier than my son's. Wishing her all the best.

  5. Meikah7:55 AM

    It's fun preparing our kids for school, especially when it's their first time. ;)

    Rustan's Makati has a snack area, and even a play area, right inside the store now. :)

    Nice shots, you got there, too.

  6. @Meikah: That's true. Sometimes I think I'm more excited than he is. Ha ha!

    As a matter of fact, that was taken at Rustan's Makati :).

  7. cheesecakepoi7:57 AM

    The cupcakes look yum yum!! Happy WS

  8. Hope Superman enjoys his school life. Have fun!

  9. teczcape - an escape to food7:57 AM

    Look at this smile....he's HAPPY :D

  10. witsandnuts7:57 AM

    Yohan must be excited to go to school now. I remember I was always excited to use my new notebooks and other school stuff. =)

  11. Ooh he's a Superman buff! :) Does he watch Justice League? :)

  12. kids are happy when they buy their school things, school opening are really exciting for them! i also have my ws entry about shopping for my kids' school things!

  13. Sidney8:02 AM

    Looks like a great way to start thinking about school. I never really liked school...

  14. How exciting! I used to remember shopping with my mother as a kid, for school supplies. That's a wonderful smile on Yohan's face. Enjoy the week Rach and happy FB farming! haha!

  15. malou tinio8:03 AM

    Ready for school. Nice school things (superman), that’s the lovely things about boys they love cartoon character, same as my son Justice League.

  16. louann8:03 AM

    Nice bag! It's back to school again! =)

  17. Willa8:03 AM

    wow! he's so ready na talaga for school year! good luck!

  18. eastcoastlife8:03 AM

    Time flies! So fast Yohan is going back to school.
    He should enjoy his remaining holidays.

  19. i used to love getting all my supplies for school. good times. hope he had fun at school

  20. Maria @ Conversations with Mom8:07 AM

    He's going to look so cool. Love the shoes.

  21. Looks like he is ready for school!

    Our school ends on June 26... and starts in September.

  22. Marites8:08 AM

    those shoes look quite cool :) i did some school shopping for my nieces just this past wkend too.

  23. mikky8:08 AM

    can't believe that summer vacation is almost over... :(

  24. Tetcha8:09 AM

    Yohan definitely loves Superman. We're still not buying my son Justin any of his school things yet, because we're still undecided until now if we're going to enroll him this June. He's only turning three this July, although he enjoyed his summer class, which ended last May 15. Anyways, school won't start until June 17. By the way, I was wondering where you bought Yohan's things. Now ko lang din nalaman na me store that has a mini snack bar inside.

  25. @Tetcha: At Yohan's school, there's a Toddler class for kids of that age. Justin is still young so you can still wait for one more year before enrolling him in school.

    I bought Yohan's things at Rustan's Makati. That photo was taken at the mini snack bar in the children's section.

  26. Cascia @ Healthy Moms8:09 AM

    Looks like he is all set! School starts in June for you guys? That is right after school ends here. I hope he has a wonderful first day of school!

  27. @Cascia: Yes, June is the start of classes in the Philippines. Thanks.

  28. Alice Teh8:10 AM

    Here's wishing Yohan a fun day back to school! :D

  29. My B will start next year. It's so exciting. I think I will be more excited than he is ...

  30. Janice8:11 AM

    Awesome looking school stuff for Yohan. He will love going to school in that superhero bag :)

  31. dong ho8:11 AM

    oh wow! so yohan's school supplies will be superman. this reminds me of my own things when i was still a kid. got excited of getting a ninja turtle bag. hehehe...

  32. SandyCarlson8:11 AM

    You have such fun with your son. He looks very happy with his treats.

  33. princess8:12 AM

    Have not visited for quite sometime. I just seemed to have lost the pep to blog. Couldn't have myself start on what I thought I thought, if that makes sense to you. Words just don't come. Anyway, I have four more weeks to go before my next break. I hope I get my blogging mind going again. Hugs and kisses to Yohan and Jules. BTW, how's his cheffering? Send me some pics of his new creations.

  34. @Tita Prency: Jules is enjoying his cooking classes. I'll post photos soon.

  35. RoseLLe8:13 AM

    weeee! back to school again...June na nga pala. nice cool stuff for Yohan...i hope he'll enjoy and have fun learning and making new friends.

  36. What a cutie pie! He has such a cute grin! Man oh man, a snack bar?? I guess it's a good thing they don't have anything like tat around here. I'd gt myself into all kinds of trouble. Those snacks look delicious! Yum yum.
