Saturday, May 09, 2009

Photo Hunt :: In Memory

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This post is dedicated in memory of my loving pets that I had when I was young. My first dog was named Spotty. She was a cross breed Japanese Spitz. My Lola H's dog had a litter of puppies and she asked my parents if they wanted to have one and they said yes. My brother and I were so excited when we found out. When the puppies were old enough to bring home, my family went to my Lola H's house to choose a puppy. My heart was set on a puppy with black markings. I found out that she fell somewhere high and miraculously survived. That story made me pick her for a pet. My Dad suggested that I might want one of the pure white puppies instead but one in particular already stole my heart. We brought home my choice of puppy and I named her Spotty. She was sweet and affectionate. Spotty had one quirky behavior as she grew up. Whenever someone went upstairs, she would always twirl around in a funny, crazy way near the steps. She never outgrew that weird behavior of hers. I remember coaching her to come up with me but she never learned how. It was so interesting how Spotty easily found her way down by herself whenever I carried her upstairs.

Spotty gave birth to several puppies and we decided to keep one. My brother and I named her Bunny because she looked like a little rabbit when she was young. Bunny didn't go crazy whenever someone went upstairs. She was more reserved compared to Spotty.

L-R: Spotty, Bunny and Cookie

When Spotty gave birth again, we decided to keep another one and named him Cookie. He was a hyperactive puppy. My parents became concerned when they noticed Cookie's temper. They decided to give Cookie to my uncle (my mom's brother). I was sad to see him go but I realized that my uncle could take better care of him.


My brother's playmate (our neighbor) gave us a puppy named Bubbles. My parents were surprised when they went home one day to find a brown puppy at home. My parents found out that the puppy had worms. My parents tried to give it back to our neighbor, however they didn't want the puppy anymore. My Dad gave Bubbles medicine to get rid of the worms. My parents gently told us that we couldn't keep Bubbles but they promised to find a good home for him. They gave Bubbles to a nice man who sold us vegetables regularly.

Bunny and Spotty

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  1. Comments transferred from Haloscan

    So cute photos of your dogs.

    aw, those are so precious rachel! i sometimes regret not having photographed my dogs more.

    Aloha! What a sad story--I'm sorry. Such cute photos of your pets. Thank you for sharing.
    Hope you'll have time to stop by and visit.
    Thank you,
    -Cindy O

    It's a sad but beautiful story. Your dogs were beautiful. I had a few cats and they've gone to pet heaven too.
    -Alice Teh

    Happy Mommy's Day Rachel =)
    I have a lot of good memories of our past pets also =)

    Happy Mother’s Day, Rachel! Felice Festa della Mamma! :)
    -Kia and Zeno

    This is a lovely post Rachel. I enjoyed seeing the "dogs" in your life.
    Happy Mother's Day and thanks for the visit.

    Hi Rach,
    "A mother's love
    Can never compare
    With anyone else's
    Happy Mother´s day to you.....

    That's a very sweet and touching pet story. happy Mother's Day Rach.

    I lost a dog too. :(
    Happy Mother's Day, Rachel!

    Awww, all so sweet, and I bet you miss them terribly. Each one with their own different personalities, and none can be replaced. Thanks for the kind words on my post. Happy Mother's Day

    happy mother's day rachel. hope you had a great time on our special day. take care.

  2. Gday Rachel, Im back,
    lovely tribute to your much loved Dogs. Im a dog lover and lost a few due to old age, I had a weep as each of loved dogs departed this world.. now I have Penny she just turned 1 year..

    All of them are lovable, Rach! Spotty is so lovely and she looks regal in their 3 generations photo. :) Your entry reminds me of our one and only pet dog. We don't have photo of him because camera does not exist in our world those times yet.
    Thanks for sharing, Rach!
    Happy Mom's Day!

    Awwww .... I'm sure they miss you as well.

    Nice memories. :)

    This was a very nice tribute, it's always heart-wrenching when you lose a pet.
    Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

    So sweet. What a nice tribute.
    -Sherry at EX Marks the Spot

    oh, this makes me sad. good thing Fritz is a boy, i don't think i could ever give away puppies. after losing a dog in my teens, it took me decades to decide of having a dog again. it's just heartbreaking to lose pets.
    -luna miranda

    Awwwwwwww, what a lovely tribute! :)
    Have a very happy Mother's Day, Rach. Big hugs!

    Sounds like you have wonderful memories of your dogs. They were cute!
    -Healthy Moms

    I am probably the only person in the world without a pet! lol..But I do remember my daddy bringing home 5 baby bunnys for his five daughters, and we were very young! I do believe we did manage to kill them off quickly, as you just couldnt have bunnies n the city! My hunt is up, not as cheery as your puppies, but come and visit soon

    Lovely tribute! Adorable! Thanks for stopping by mine.

    I love the the pictures of the puppies nose touching.Very sad story.
    -Maria@Conversations with Moms

    They are so adorable!!!

    I miss having dogs at home...when I was a kid I always had one and I would cry when they die...its not easy actually especially if they've given you loyalty no?
    Ang cute nila lalo na si cookie hehe.

    That's really nice..they're all cute and i'm sure they were/are happy to be included in your family.

    What a lovely tribute!
    -sandi @ the whistlestop cafe |

    Oh so sweet. Very nice post for this week's theme.
    My PH ~ In Memory of Kindergarten
    -CrAzY Working Mom

    This was a great way to honor your family pets and their memory. Happy weekend!

    As a devout lover of pets, especially dogs, I loved your post. I have mourned my dogs as if they were my children which I never had.
    My entry is posted at:

    Nice entries Rachel. happy weekend. TC

    Such cute dogs. I have wonderful memories of my childhood pets too. Thanks for sharing your stories and photos.
    -Tara R.

    Touching post, Rachel. Our animals always know when we love them!
    Thanks for stopping by - and for rating my recipes! Have a great weekend!
    -RJ Flamingo

    They were such beautiful dogs. Happy weekend
    -jams O Donnell

    Tho, it's sad....they DID grace your lives with all the loving they could give, unconditionally!!
    -Hootin' Anni

    such a sad story. but your dogs are so beautiful. By the way , we too have a pet dog spotty who is also dead now.
