Thursday, May 21, 2009

My First Blood Donation Experience

Last September 2008, I was supposed to donate blood for my SIL but I was rejected as a donor on the first step (Interview Data Sheet) because I just had my period. That made me ineligible to donate blood at that time. My hubby donated blood instead.

Sad to say, my SIL had another medical emergency the other day. She needed blood again. This time I passed the screening and I was able to donate blood for her.

I was a little scared at first because I witnessed hubby's blood donation last year. The one who extracted his blood had a hard time finding the right vein. It was an unpleasant experience for him. I expected it to hurt but surprisingly my blood extraction was a breeze. The guy who took my blood was a 'sharp shooter". :)

When I saw hubby's old photos, I realized we used the same stress ball. What a coincidence. Every donor needs to press the stress ball repeatedly to help hasten the supply of blood.

My SIL is now doing better and has been discharged from the hospital.

If you're interested, I shared the step by step Blood Donation Procedure in an older post.

On our way home from the hospital, we stopped by Red Ribbon. Hubby bought me a Mango Cashew Roll ... a little prize for being brave. Ha ha! I like this "light angel food cake with fresh mango balls and cashew nuts".

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  1. Maria @ Conversations with Mom8:37 AM

    I`m glad your SIL is feeling better. I`m so proud of you for giving blood although you were scared. I remember my blood donating experiences. I felt light headed every time.

  2. Sidney8:37 AM

    I am also scared by blood... :-(
    Glad SIL is feeling wonder with you blood ! :-)

  3. cpsanti8:37 AM

    blood also scares the hell out of me ;-) congrats on being brave enough to donate some! ;-)

  4. What a courage. Blood donation is noble specially if type AB, very "rare" daw. I am glad your SIL is feeling better. And I am glad he gave you a nice treat!

  5. odette8:38 AM

    i've never donated blood yet, because my weight has never been 50Kg. i'm so tiny, i've always been 45Kg only, that's why.

    i think you are very brave, i don't think i will ever have the courage as i've always been scared of needles + blood.

    hope your SIL is on her way to complete recovery!

  6. Alice Teh8:38 AM

    I've never donated blood in my life. I think I should one day :)

  7. Thank you everyone who expressed concern for my SIL. She is doing much better now.

  8. eastcoastlife8:39 AM

    Glad your SIL has recovered. I can't donate blood because I'm anaemic. :(

  9. I also had my first blood donation way back 2007 ... it hurt a lot and I almost didn't pass since I was anemic but they really needed the blood. It feels good no?

  10. you are very brave, rach. i've never donated blood yet but i've been "pricked" so many times because of 3 pregnancies. the last one was terrible. i almost ended up like joaquin bordado because med tech and the anesthesiologist had a hard time finding the right vein. i think i had almost a dozen "tusok" just before going to the OR. when i woke-up after delivery "pasa-pasa" ang braso at kamay ko!

    glad SIL is feeling better.

  11. parang masarap nga................

    want to eat that........

    makitingin nga sa freezer,,,,,,,,,gusto naman kumain....heheheh

    nagtitipid nga ako.........nagtipid ng calories....hahahaah

    thanks for sharing.

  12. I have never tried donating blood before and dunno if I'll pass it now coz I used to be anemic. It was not only brave but so kind of you to donate Rach!

    And oh love the little prize you got... yummy!
