Thursday, May 28, 2009

Aloha Friday #70

Rules: Post any question on your blog on a Friday, share your answer and sign Kailani's Mr. Linky. Then have fun answering the questions of fellow participants by visiting their blogs.

Share something fun you did with the family recently.

Hubby and I watched Angels and Demons last Monday. We left Yohan at home because the movie wasn't suitable for kids. We promised to make it up to him by watching Night at the Museum 2 on our next visit to the mall.

Last Wednesday, hubby and I fulfilled that promise to Yohan. We had a fun family date at Alabang Town Center. We had some pizza, mojos and chicken for lunch. Yohan ordered a tall glass of Oreo milkshake.

Yohan got a free volleyball from Shakey's as part of their meal promo.

We watched Night at The Museum 2 after lunch. We all enjoyed the film. It was really funny. It's a perfect movie for kids and grown-ups.

I asked Jules and Yohan what do they like better, Night at the Museum 1 or 2. The boys said they like the sequel more than the first one. For me, the first one is still my favorite.

After the movie, we did a little shopping for Yohan. He has grown taller so we decided to buy him a new pair of jeans, 3 colored pants and a blue windbreaker. Here's a photo of our junior shopper. :)

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  1. Katie @ Coupon Queens7:31 AM

    Game Night - Uno is our favorite!

  2. How fun! What a great time to spend the day with the family. I have not seen the Night at the Museum, but I've seen Angels and Demons, and I enjoyed it.

  3. andreamcmann7:31 AM

    We went on vacation last week to Storybook Land in Aberdeen, South Dakota. It was so much fun; well worth the 5-hour drive!

  4. louann7:31 AM

    We enjoyed watching Night at The Museum2 too!

  5. Harriet7:32 AM

    I can't remember the last time we were all together to do something. Must have been going to Florida to see my parents. friday_29.html

  6. Sidney7:32 AM

    Good you all take time for the family !
    Yohan is really lucky to have parents like you !

  7. Maria @ Conversations with Mom7:32 AM

    Sounds like Yohan had a perfect day. We watched Night of the Museum 2 as well. It was funny.

  8. Audrey7:32 AM

    Sounds like you had a great time. The last time we were together as a family, we had a great time, cooking dinner, sitting around the table and then watching a movie together.

  9. angie7:33 AM

    now that is what I call a promotion to a meal

  10. Anissa7:33 AM

    We want to go watch Night at the Museum 2.
    We spend the day at the zoo.

  11. Becca7:33 AM

    We went to the Old Navy $1 flip flop sale. We couldn't stop talking about it!!!

  12. Sues2u27:34 AM

    We love game night too, but tomorrow we're taking the kids to a car show & to wander/explore a new town. We all really enjoy doing things like that.

  13. Mighty M7:34 AM

    We go for walks together (okay, the kids sit the grown-ups walk) down to Starbucks and get drinks and then walk back (which involves a beast of a hill). But it's fun and good exercise!

  14. eastcoastlife7:34 AM

    Quality time and bonding with one another before Yohan goes back to school. My son is grown up and doesn't like going out with my hubby and I. :P

  15. Deb - Mom of 3 girls7:35 AM

    We took our girls to the park last weekend as a family - everyone had a great time! :)

  16. Photo Cache7:48 AM

    A family outing consisting of movies and eats and shopping is always fun and something kids look forward too.

    Is Yohan ready for the coming opening of classes?

  17. TheAngelForever7:49 AM

    Last weekend we went to the park and let the kids run around. They had a great time. This was the first time the little guy had been to this park to really run since he is walking.

  18. Valerie7:49 AM

    Since my daughter is married now and has her own family other than having dinners together we don't do a whole lot. I guess the last thing we did with us and her family was going to my daughter's birthday party.

  19. Wow you had a great time!!! Hmm.. last weekend..we went to Red Robins for dinner lol That was fun ...kind of..between crabby kids.. and waiting for our food to get to the table .. lol Hopefully, our vacation in a few weeks will make up for that :)

  20. Alice Teh7:49 AM

    Wow, so much fun! I'm sure Yohan's very happy with the shopping. He looks great in that photo, your young boy. :D

  21. ♥ Thank you everyone for sharing your recent fun moments.

  22. catrosinfo7:50 AM

    Your son is so cute.
