Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yohanism #31

When we were at the beach we found a small hermit crab walking along the beach. I hurriedly picked it up and showed Yohan.

Yohan: "Mom, let me see! Let me see! What is it?"

"This is a small hermit crab just like the ones you saw on TV. "

Yohan: "It's so cute! Let me get my pail..."

Yohan hurriedly got his empty pail and filled it halfway with sand. I placed the hermit crab inside so Yohan could observe it. He lost interest in making sandcastles and spent a lot of time looking at the little hermit crab in his bucket.

When it was time to go back, he asked ...

Yohan: "Can I bring it home? I want him to be my pet. I'll put it in the aquarium."

Me: "Sorry, you can't bring it home. It might die. Besides, you can't put it in our aquarium because it needs salt water."

Yohan: "That's easy. I'll get some salt water from the sea and bring it home."

He seemed to have a counter remark to every reason I give him so I decided to tell him a real story...

Me: "You know when I was young, I went to a beach where I saw a lot of small hermit crabs. I brought around 10 of them home. I placed the hermit crabs inside a big jar with salt water and sand I got from the beach. The hermit crabs lived for a few days but they slowly died one by one. I felt very sad when that happened."

Yohan was quiet.

Me: "Do you want that to happen to your hermit crab?"

Yohan: "No, mom. I want it to live. Can you help me free the hermit crab?"

Me: "Sure."

Yohan and I walked away from the crowded area and found a clear spot where we put down the hermit crab. We watched as the tide came and the hermit crab was gone. Yohan looked a little sad so I immediately kissed him and told him...

Me: "I'm so proud of you!"

Related stories:

Feathers in Distress
A Butterfly's Journey
A Butterfly's Journey Part 2

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1 comment:

  1. Comments transferred from Haloscan

    awww..that was so nice. I can sense that your Yohan is a very intelligent and kind and your a very great mom Rach. :)

    nice! he listens to you. good boy! =)
    -lady cess

    That is great that Yohan understood and wanted to do what was best.

    I'm so proud of Yohan too. :)
    *pat on his back*

    Awww, that is so sweet :)

    those innocent minds either leads us to laughing or leading us to remember our early days when we're as innocent.
    nice rach! you're such a good example to yohan.
    -dong ho

    Cute! Yohan is such a gentle, sweet little boy because he has a good role model. ;)

    He is so cute. Kids at this age are so inquisitive. But he is a smart kid. He knows what is right for Mr. Hermit Crab.

    yo! pls visit my blog
    nice post :)
    -Bart Tolina

    Hugs to Yohan...

    Oh, what a sweet entry, Rach! Yohan is such a special boy! Awwwwwwwwwww, I bet you are a very proud Mom! :)
    Big hugs & have a happy rest of the week! Hugs!

    OH RACHEL! That is sooooo beautiful! What a wonderful post! And good decision for Yohan!

    Awww ... good job Yohan! Galing galing!
