Monday, April 27, 2009

Weekend Snapshot #71

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Barney Birthday

First of all, I'm sorry for being an absent blogger for several days. I attended successive events which have kept me away from blogging. I'm back and eager to visit my favorite blogs.

Let me share a fun birthday we attended over the weekend. It was the 1st Birthday of hubby's niece and goddaughter, Yvaine. As you can see, the party theme was Barney and friends.

Cute birthday banner featuring the celebrant and her favorite pals.

Party Giveaways

Personalized M&Ms (each M&M has the
celebrant's picture and personal message).

Poolside venue with colorful party decors.

Yohan participating in the "Shopping List" game.

Yohan chose Lightning McQueen for his body tattoo.

The finished product.

Barney made a special appearance in the party.
In the photo: Yohan's Tita D and cousin S.

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1 comment:

  1. Comments transferred from Haloscan

    Very nice, Rachel! It looks FUN!
    -Alice Teh

    Oow.. what a wonderful birthday party. Happy Weekend! From Mama's Words
    -Mama's Words

    I attended a 1st birthday party as well recently and I am amazed at how well organized these children parties are nowadays. With personalized giveaways and loads of fun and entertainment in store for both the kids and the adults.

    I guess, we have come a long way from the really simple birthday parties during my youth. Well that was eons ago hehehe :)

    This birthday party must be every kiddos dream. So thoughtfully decorated :)

    Personalized M&M's? That's a brilliant idea! I've seen a christening party where the giveaways were personalized chocolate bars, with specially-printed paper covers.

    visit my blog
    -Bart Tolina

    What a great party! I bet the kids had a blast. Love the McQueen hand painting. My littliest would've been in Heaven. He LOVES cars! How fun!

    Looks like a lot of fun. Too bad I don't like Barney.
    -Cascia @ Healthy Moms

    What a cool birthday party!

    that's a cool party ah! i love the personalized m&m's...nice idea for a bday give-away...thanks for sharing this!
    -beth moreno

    Looks like a fun time!
    Where can we have those personalized M & M's made?

    @Louann: Hubby's cousin ordered them from the States. I just don't know how much they cost.

    Such a big event. I think the fun part is the painting, face or otherwise. What a joyous occasion. Belated Happy Birthday Yvaine!

    wow! great party. and the giveaways are really nice.

    1st birthdays are always it is celebrated as simple or as 'nice' as this one. the excitement are all the same. blessings to the little celebrant.

    Now that looks like an amazing party! What detail. It will definitely be a birthday to remember.
    -Maria@Conversations with Moms

    Ciao Rach, I really like the pics you are sharing today :) looks like a lot of fun! 8) I bet all the kids were all happy, look at those smiles! :lol:
    Have a beautiful day! Hugs!

    Awesome party! Gosh, it's been about 15 yrs but I had 'Barney' at my daughters party...I can't believe he's still popular!

    wow galing nun give-away. Your son becoming more gwapo rach!

    i think the personalized give away is fantastic, if only i get one, I'm not gonna eat it. :)

    I love kiddie bday parties! I think the giveaways are so cute. If i will have one like that i will not eat them. Will save them forever. hehehee

    Happy Monday, Rach!

    Looks like a lot fun! Daming loots! Have a great week, rach!
    -sassy mom's like cartoon brought to live!
    The kids must be enjoying themselves...and the moms too! Looks at all the smiles :)
    -teczcape - an escape to food
