Saturday, April 04, 2009

Photo Hunt :: Stripes

Come and join the hunt here

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1 comment:

  1. Comments transferred from Haloscan

    Nice handwriting.

    Love your handwriting, rach! That's a cute clip. Have a blessed week!
    -sassy mom

    That is one cute memo clip! Love it!

    so cute indeed
    -Blogger Rise

    That is so cute! Teach me how to make the zebra.

    Ugh. It has been w-a-y too many days since I've been over here. Please accept my apologies!

    Your post is so very clever! I will scroll down a bit and see what Yohan has been up to!
    -Amazing Gracie

    nice, very nice clip... meron pa ba kaya niyan sa NBS...

    Not really late but yeah, this post wasn't here when I visited yesterday around noon :D

    Happy Easter Sunday!

    This is sweet!

    Very cute post. It is never too late to share.

    What a great idea for this post Rachel. I love it. Happy weekend to you.

    it is still saturday so you are not late. =) thats a very cute zebra Rach.

    Did you make this helpful zebra? Great shot!
    My stripes are here.

    What an adorable holder and perfect for the theme.

    what a cute little zebra! MY Stripes

    What a cute note holder! Happy weekend!
    -jams O Donnell

    that is a cute take on the hunt.
    -sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

    Awww that's cute!

    Cute post for stripes! :)
    Mine is up too!
    Have a great weekend!

    awww.. this is sweet and cute!

    Might be late... but sure is cute... pretty stripes!
