Saturday, April 18, 2009

Photo Hunt :: Purple

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I love these mini blueberry cheesecakes that my hubby bought from Tagaytay. I think they are small yummy purple treats. :)

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  1. Comments transferred from Haloscan

    I want that blueberry cheesecakes.

    Wow, those look yummy! Best keep them away from me. I bet I could polish off that whole box in one sitting. Cheesecake... my weakness.

    far too much food temptations on your blog lol ;) im gonna have to grab me a snack now!

    Dainty looking little blueberry cheesecakes!
    -Alice Teh

    i believe i tasted one before. not sure if it was actually rowena's.
    -dong ho

    I would love to have a taste of them. looks yummy.

    Look like cheese tarts to me :P
    Gosh, I'm really starving now!
    -Napaboaniya APAD

    smiley bread wld've brightened my day too! :)

    I should remember that name next time I get to Tagaytay! I love blueberry cheesecke and the picture of it seems so yummy.

    Oh wow, they do look scrumptious!!! Great choice for this week's purple theme. :)

    Have a great week, Rachel.
    -CrAzY Working Mom

    Those treats look delicious!

    YUM!! Looks like an awesome treat.

    They look yummy and are in such convenient servings.

    hmmm...ymmy! ;)

    They really look yummy too!

    I love cheesecake, regardless of how it was made,they are oh so yummy!!!

    Oh..I always like blueberry cheesecakes! Looks delish!

    Hi rach! Ang sarap naman nyan!

    Rach, those mini cheesecakes are sinfully purple :)

    They look delicious. Great idea for the purple theme.

    Oh yum! You always put up the best food pics!

    that looks yummy indeed, Rach!

    Happy Sunday!

    Gravatar Wow! I super love blueberry cheesecake. I just had one yesterday. It looks deliciously good. My purple is up too at http://prettyfabulous.blogspot.c...-13- purple.html
    -Gorgeous nelly

    you have the yummiest entry for today; naglalaway na ako rachel.
    -Photo Cache

    I was surprised at how few food items were purple today. These look really good.
    -Tara R.

    I don't think I've ever tasted a cheesecake flavor that I didn't like.
    -Maria@Conversations with Moms

    Ooh now they look so tasty! Happy weekend
    -jams O Donnell

    Now these look lovely and tasty and I am really hungry for something sweet! Great job! My purple is here.


    They do look delicious. Happy weekend to you Rachel.

    never tried rowena's blueberry's cheesecake yet but looks good pero super cute naman.

    Super love ko rin a Rowena's. Yummy!Have a wonderful weekend, rach!
    -sassy mom

    The pack looks very tempting!

    Can I have one? Looks delish!

  2. I love rowena's buko and ube tarts!! so addicting :D i wanna try that cheesecake soon
