Thursday, April 16, 2009

3 Word Thursdays #23

3 Word Thursday Small 125x94
meme rules:
*photo must have 3 words in it
*post your photo on your site with a link
back to Ma Vie Folle (or grab button)

These are the cute characters from the movie Monsters vs Aliens. Yohan got them from McDonald's Happy Meal.

We watched the movie two weeks ago. It's a funny movie perfect for the whole family. The story is about a girl named Susan who comes into direct contact with a falling meteor. The meteor contains a substance that transforms Susan into a 47 foot giant woman on the day of her wedding. The government comes to take her away and she is placed in a secret holding facility with other monsters hidden by the government from the public eye. Susan is given a monster name, Ginormica. When Earth is threatened by an alien robot, the government puts the aliens in the front line to battle with the robots and the evil Gallaxhar.

Movie Cast:
  • Susan or Ginormica - Reese Witherspoon
  • Dr. Cockroach, Ph.D. - Hugh Laurie
  • Missing Link - Will Arnet
  • B.O.B. - Seth Rogen
  • Gallaxhar - Rainn Wilson

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1 comment:

  1. Comments transferred from Haloscan

    this is the first movie that we watched since we moved to Calgary [2 years ago].

    This is going to be a cute one! :D
    -Alice Teh

    so cool! he completed that. i like the robot the most in that set. i almost bought it.
    -dong ho

    I can't wait to see this one!
    -CrAzY Working Mom

    My kids loved this movie too!
    Didn't know about the kiddie meal offers though - maybe that was a blessing, haha.
    -Pinay MegaMom

    I wanted to get the toys but didn't have the time ... hehe ... they look cute!

    I saw this movie in 3-D and it was worth it. A family oriented and wholesome movie! And it fits the theme 3 words!

    I love the voice behind the cast..all funny in real life.

    We watched and loved the movie. Wow, he has the whole collection. Jeffrey just has the grey robot for now.
    -Maria@Conversations with Moms

    I love those great cartoon movies..Boy cartoons have came a long way in my lifetime...what amazing things that they can do now.
    i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, Rachel for praying for my SIL Judy. She is a great lady and this is really devastating our family right now. Thanks so much...

    My kids used to love collecting toys like these especially action figures of some cartoon movies.
    Nice to hear that Yohan enjoyed it too.

    Haven't seen this one yet but it's got to be good! And, of course, I forgot it was Thursday again. UGHHHHH
