Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Search For The Right One

Everyone deserves to be happy. Each one of us has his or her own definition of happiness. I think the common factors of happiness are love, good health, success, contentment, and inner peace. Once you find happiness, you should value it and hold on to it as long as you can. For some people, happiness means finding the right person to spend the rest of your life with. It's rewarding to have someone who you could share life's wonderful and memorable moments. Sharing important milestones with a special someone can make each achievement worth it.

Love may not always come easy for all of us. Sometimes one has to make the first move to jump start things toward the right direction, like meeting interesting people through passion search. You can sign up and meet people with common interests. It's like setting a goal in life and working hard to achieve it. Why not? People who live life to the fullest always have positive visions. Like most things in life, nothing comes with a 100% assurance. It is impossible to foresee the final outcome. Taking risks is a reality that one should accept. Success may always not knock on one's door all the time but failures are sometimes necessary for people to appreciate the sweetness of triumph.


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