Monday, February 16, 2009

Weekend Snapshot #61

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Valentine's Family Date

On Valentine's Day, my hubby, son and I had dinner at TGI Friday's. It was a romantic evening. I saw a lot of young ladies carrying bouquet of flowers. I didn't receive any flowers but I don't mind. Spending time with my family was more than enough.

Here is Yohan in red. If you notice, he recently lost his front tooth. He was pleased with the money the tooth fairy left under his pillow (which he immediately put in his piggy bank).

Corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, mushroom, chicken and a misplaced fish fillet (explanation below).

My hubby couldn't wait to take a big bite on his burger.

I called the attention of the waiter regarding the misplaced fish fillet on my Chicken Mushroom Chicken order. The waiter came back with the manager. She was very sorry for the mistake in the kitchen and offered to change my food. I already waited for my food for 20 mins and I couldn't bare waiting for another 20 mins so I declined the change. The manager said she will just waive my order from our total bill. It seemed tempting to just say yes but I said I will just let it go since it was Valentine's Day anyway. The manager was very happy and thanked me for being so considerate. She gave us this chocolate cake after our meal.

A complimentary Valentine's cake from the manager.

Love Meter :)
Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day celebration

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