Thursday, February 05, 2009

The Love Month Meme #1

The Filipino Mom Blog is hosting the Love Month Meme every Thursday for the month of February. This is my entry for this week.

This week's theme: Love Story

I met my hubby at work. He was assigned at the main office while I was assigned to Makati branch. We would see each other at least once a week at the main office. At first we would just exchange casual "hellos" but I got to know him when he went out of his way to help my team with the project we were working on.

Our first date was a set up one. He invited my team to go to a car show. All the while I thought the whole team was coming until one by one they came up with all sorts of excuses why they couldn't come. I was the only one left to go with Jules. I wanted to cancel but my colleagues kept insisting that I push through with the plans. I went with Jules to the car show. Later on I found out that Jules and my colleagues planned everything. We had a great time together and more dates followed.

We had a strong and steady relationship for two and a half years. We knew it was time to get married when we found it harder and harder to part after each date. We got married on July 8, 2000.

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