Monday, January 05, 2009

Weekend Snapshot #56 (Breakfast at Antonio's)

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Breakfast at Antonio's

(Jan. 4, 2009, Sunday) My family and I were supposed to wake up at 6 a.m. and head to Tagaytay early in the morning but the bed weather overpowered us and we ended up waking at 10 a.m. instead. We didn't let that minor delay ruin our plans so we decided to go to Tagaytay anyway.

Still in breakfast mode, we thought of going to All Day Breakfast at Antonio's. To our surprise, the old place where it used to be was already closed. We found out that it has been moved to Antonio's Garden (Barangay Neogan, Purok 7, Tagaytay). It was a perfect opportunity because my plurk pals and I were just discussing about Antonio's Garden the night before.

Now that both restaurants are located in one place, you get to choose between the expensive menu of Antonio's Garden or the All Day Breakfast. If you choose the latter, you can enjoy the beautiful and elegant ambiance of Antonio's Garden without spending that much. (According to one of the waiters, the consolidation of the restaurants happened in October 2008).

Impressive, huge wooden doors of Antonio's.

A nice and quiet Sunday at Antonio's.

When hubby and I last visited Antonio's, this area was open air. There were wooden tables and parasols. Now this place has been enclosed but there are still lots of wide and open spaces so guests can feel the refreshing air and admire the beauty of the garden below.

Stairs leading to the our table below.

Elegant and cozy ambiance.

Bonding moment with Yohan.

Jules ordered Homemade Chorizo, I had Hungarian Sausage and Yohan had Pork Sausages. Hubby and I had our favorite house juice Dalandan while Yohan chose chocolate milkshake.

Chef Antonio Escalante's beautiful garden. It's a perfect place for garden weddings.

Antonio's beautiful foyer.

I love the beautiful art piece behind us.

(Memory Lane: This particular photo was taken at Antonio's last March 29, 2003 . I was around 6 months pregnant with Yohan at that time.)

I remember when I was pregnant with Yohan in 2003, my hubby and I had our first special dinner at Antonio's. I was on strict bed rest before that and when my doctor said it was safe for me to go out, hubby surprised me with a dinner at Antonio's on my birthday. We had dinner there again a few years later (on our anniversary) but we weren't able to bring Yohan with us.

We're happy that this time, we were able to go back as a family.

I'm glad the koi pond is still there. Yohan was thrilled to see the lovely fish.

After our brunch at Breakfast at Antonio's, Yohan requested to go to the zoo. More on that on another post.

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