Thursday, January 08, 2009

Inner and Outer Beauty

I gained a lot of weight during the long Christmas break. I was invited to many parties and failed to keep a close check on my food intake. A lot of people often put their diet temporarily on hold during the holiday season. I admit I was one of those people. It's so easy to forget one's diet during the season of merry making and lavish feasts.

I received a couple of comments from people I know telling me that I have gained some weight during the Christmas vacation. I already know this but I frankly, I do not like hearing it from other people. Perhaps I'm quite sensitive but getting those kind of remarks has its way of affecting my self esteem. This year I would like to embrace a healthier lifestyle by exercising more and cutting down on unhealthy foods.

Beauty they say is in the eye of the beholder. Many claim that inner beauty is more important than physical beauty. I agree but I also know that good physical appearance has its personal advantages. When you feel good about the way you look, you feel confident. Being sure of yourself can help you become more open to opportunities as well as challenges in life. Confidence can make a person more assertive. It also be a source of inspiration and hope.

People have different ways of achieving a good physical appearance. Keeping fit through daily exercise and healthy eating habits are very important factors. Some people consider cosmetic surgery as another solution. One sought after cosmetic surgery is the Tummy Tuck. This procedure flattens the muscles giving you a tighter and flatter stomach. Check here for cosmetic surgery prices.

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