Saturday, January 31, 2009

An Inspiration For Young Girls and Parents

Remember Amy Poehler? Some of you might find her face very familiar. She was in the film Mean Girls. She can also be best remembered in Saturday Night Live. She has this amazing show called Smart Girls at the Party. It's actually a fun and inspiring web series aimed towards young girls and their parents. The web series features Amy Poehler interviewing talented young girls. The show showcases great talent and creativity.

It's a great show that can help young girls become the best they can be. Watch the video below and be personally inspired by the program. If you have Myspace or Facebook, you can embed and share this widget to others. You can simply get your own widget here and you might just inspire a young lady out there to build her confidence and start reaching her goals in life.

It is remarkable how the web has become a source of all kinds of videos. It is a fantastic source of online videos shared by people across the globe. It's a venue where you can share your videos to reach millions of people in different parts of the world. Just imagine the reach and impact a video can garner through this online medium.


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