Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Yuletide Road Safety

I hope you're all enjoying the long and extended Christmas break. I'm sure many of you are always out on the road. I want to take this opportunity to remind you about road safety this Yuletide season. It's okay to have fun but remember to prioritize your safety especially when you're out driving.

Here are some friendly reminders:

1. Always wear your seat belt whether you're going to take a short or long trip.

2. Be alert while you're driving. Pay attention to Traffic Control Devices and cones
on the road.

3. Do not use your cellphone while driving. If you have to send an important SMS or take a call, pull over to the side first.

4. Follow road signs and traffic rules. Remember that every road sign is there for a purpose. Don't take them for granted.

5. Bring Personal Safety Products especially flashlights. They will come in handy especially during emergency situations.

6. Be extra careful when driving at night. Always keep your eyes on the road. Watch out for crossing pedestrians.

7. If there is an on-going construction on the road, look for Vehicular Warning Lights to guide you along the way. Those warning lights will help you avoid potentially dangerous areas.

Have a safe Yuletide season everyone!

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