Thursday, November 27, 2008

Movie Time :: Twilight

Hubby and I watched the much anticipated Twilight movie last night. I expected more from the film but I still enjoyed it nevertheless.

I have to admit, I felt like a teenager with a big crush when I caught the first glimpse of Edward's face on the wide screen. I held my breath and squeezed my hubby's hand as Edward entered the cafeteria. He's definitely my kind of vampire. :) Don't worry I won't go any further for those who haven't seen the movie yet.

After the film, hubby and I had late dinner at a nearby cafe. We had the place all to ourselves so we were able to choose the TV program on the LCD. We were just in time to watch the Smallville episode. I ordered my favorite clubhouse sandwich while hubby had spareribs. I had a chocolate sundae for dessert.

Cozy cafe all to ourselves.

Chocolate Sundae and my Twilight freebie (magnetic bookmark)

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