Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Wednesday Food Galore

It's a holiday and the whole family is home. It is also raining so it is a perfect time to spend a relaxing day at the house. The "bed" weather is a great excuse to wake up late but Yohan had to drink his medicine for his cough so I had no choice but to get up at 6 a.m. I woke up my hubby so we could have breakfast together. We had hot pandesal, sunny side up eggs, bacon and ham.

After breakfast, Yohan decided to play "chef". He brought out his play cookware and had fun cooking all sorts of dishes for us. After cooking, he announced that his restaurant was open. Ha! Ha! Yohan has a great imagination.

Yohan loves helping his Dad in the kitchen. He enjoys handing out ingredients and helping his dad mix them. I could imagine Yohan cutting all sorts of ingredients in one of those kitchen islands when he is older.

Below is what our master chef served us in his newly opened restaurant. He made pizza, pasta, hotdogs, burger and fries. He even served slices of fruits.

After playing make believe restaurant with Yohan, hubby went to the kitchen. Jules would like to have a butcher block kitchen island where he could do most of his food preparations. Since remodeling can take time, I think it would be great to have one of those kitchen island carts.

Last night, Jules marinated some pork tenderloin which he cooked for lunch today. Pork Hamonado is one of my favorite dishes that hubby makes. Below is a photo of the Pork Hamonado that hubby served for lunch earlier.

Here's how hubby prepared this Pork Hamonado dish:

Ingredients for marinating:
1 kilo pork tenderloin
2 cups pineapple juice
½ cup soy sauce
½ cup brown sugar
salt and pepper
bay leaf

1. Combine all the dry ingredients above and rub on the pork. Combine drippings of the pork, pineapple juice and soy sauce. Use this to marinate pork tenderloin overnight.
2. Place marinated pork in a pot and turn on the heat. Add 1 whole chopped onions and 2 gloves of chopped garlic. The sauce will gradually thicken. Add some pepper corn. Let it simmer for around one hour in low heat.
3. Once cooked, let it cool down a little before slicing into pieces.

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