Thursday, October 09, 2008

Tagged: 10 Reasons To Be Thankful Today

I was tagged by Arlene to do this tag ...

1. Add your blog to the list. If you’re keeping multiple blogs, it’ll be fine if you add them all up and just post your answers in one of those blogs.
2. IMPORTANT: kindly get back to me [architect] so i will be able to visit your sites, read your answers and include you in the Masterlist
3. Please do copy from Start to End.
4. You may tag as many online friends as you please.

Copy this Participants List:

Memory Filled
Sweety tots
My Discoveries
My Precious Niche
My Virtual Closet
The Real Deal The Real Me
My Views On My So Called Life
Joys in Life
Dancing in Midlife Tune
Life is What we Make It
Healthy Lifestyle
Soulful Thoughts
Heart of Rachel

Ten things am so thankful about today:

  1. Jules has recovered from his flu.
  2. My cough and colds are almost gone.
  3. Yohan had a wonderful time doing fun crafts in school today.
  4. I talked to Yohan's teacher at the cafeteria this morning and she told me that Yohan did well in the recent exams.
  5. Yohan drank his glass of milk today without complaining.
  6. I finished a romantic novel while waiting for Yohan's class to finish.
  7. It already stopped raining when we got home from school.
  8. I received wonderful comments from blog friends.
  9. Hubby is well enough to cook dinner tonight. I miss his cooking.
  10. Tomorrow is Friday. I love weekends!

I'm tagging Misyel, Alice , Janesse, Janice and Tere.

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