Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Provo River Trail

Heritage Web Solutions is a USA based company that focuses in designing and hosting affordable websites for both small and medium size businesses. The company is proud to share its goal in helping make the environment a cleaner place.

You may read the article below. Kindly use use the scroll to read the whole press release.

Heritage Internet Technologies’ Good Works Committee is pleased to announce that we have teamed up with the Parks and Recreation department for the city of Provo, Utah in an effort to maintain the Moon River section of the Provo River Trail System.

The committee held their first cleanup event on September 24th 2008. We were pleased to see a large number of employees, as well as their families and friends, attend. Everyone was in good spirits, and had a great time as they dug in and brought this trail back to its original beauty.
The cleanup project included graffiti removal in the two tunnel portions of the trail section, vandalism repair, as well as litter and debris removal along the trail.

The HIT Good Works Committee conducts bi-weekly checks of the trail to ensure that it is being properly maintained. We will also be holding cleanup events once a month with our next event scheduled for October 29th 2008. We are looking forward to having as great of a turnout as we were able to have last month.
Heritage Internet Technologies has always been eager to find ways to give back to our surrounding community. We are very excited to join forces with the Provo City Parks and Recreation department to help maintain this beautiful trail system.

We would like to thank everyone involved in this cleanup project. We are proud to have such a generous group of employees, willing to dedicate their time to bettering our community.

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