Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Favorite Childhood Tales

My son has a Reading Passport in school. It is a small pamphlet where parents are required to read one book to their child every week. The parents write down the title of the book on the Reading Passport and sign it. The book read is passed to the teacher together with the Reading Passport. It is returned a few days after. I don't have a problem with this weekly school requirement because Yohan loves story time. I always make it a point to read a story to my son before bedtime. His favorite book is Hans Christian Andersen's The Brave Tin Soldier. He never gets tired of listening to the wild adventures of the brave tin soldier with one leg and the object of his love, the paper ballerina.

When I was a young girl, I also had a favorite tale. I was mesmerized by the story of a young orphaned girl who went to live with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps named Heidi. She is sweet, innocent and has a pure heart. I love her fun adventures in the meadow with her best friend Peter. I grew up in the city and I found Heidi's story of birds waking her up in the morning and her daily walks in the meadow with goats so interesting. I even remember daydreaming of spending my weekends at the meadow.

I still have the hard bound book of Heidi that my godmother gave to me when I was a young girl. I have kept the story books that my parents gave to me when I was a child. In fact, I have read those stories to Yohan.

I never lost my passion for reading. I admit that I spend more time on the computer nowadays than reading a book but I still find time to buy a good book every now and then. However, I noticed lately that my eyes get easily tired from reading. I think I already need to get a pair of reading eyeglasses.

Anyway, what's your favorite story when you were a child?

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