Tuesday, September 02, 2008

White Hat - 98% Fat Free Dessert

We are a dessert kind of family. Our meals cannot be complete without having dessert. After all dessert is the highlight of every meal.

Sometimes we find ourselves too full to appreciate dessert but it doesn't mean that we pass the opportunity just like that. A short stroll often helps bring the food down to give way to the much anticipated sweets for the day. Dessert doesn't have to be grand nor expensive for us to enjoy it. We love trying out something new.

Last Saturday our sweet pick for the day was The White Hat Italian frozen yogurt. Hubby and I were attracted by its cozy looking spot. The cute photo of the kids enjoying their White Hat desserts on top of each others' heads is a head turner. No pun intended. :) It's like an open invitation for parents to take their children there.

Hubby and Yohan eagerly created their own Hat. It's a simple equation: The White Hat Italian frozen yogurt + TOPPINGS (crunchies, candies and fruits) = Your Own White Hat. I think my son was overwhelmed with the many possible toppings but he enjoyed making his own decision.

After quite a deliberation, Yohan chose Choco Drops as his topping. I knew my little chocolate lover could not resist those tiny little chocolates. Hubby and I shared White Hat Italian frozen yogurt with luscious strawberries. We like the rich and creamy taste of the yogurt. There's a slight tangy after taste which is typical of any yogurt. You won't get tired of visiting the place because you can choose from 21 fresh and premium toppings. You can mix and match them as you wish. Isn't it great to have the freedom to create your very own dessert? Now that's dessert combined with fun. What's another great thing about it? It just happens to be 98% Fat Free! Enjoy!

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