Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blood Donation Experience

Last Wednesday, we received an SMS from my BIL that his wife was at the hospital and needs blood transfusion. The hospital was requesting that the blood consumed by the patient be replenished, regardless of blood type. After picking up our son in school, my husband and I went to the hospital.

Here are the steps of the blood donation:

Step 1: Interview Data Sheet
At the hospital's Blood Center, hubby and I were asked to fill out a Blood Donor Interview Data Sheet. Many of the questions pertained to health status and medical family history.

Step 2: Health interview & brief physical examination
Nurses took our respective blood pressure, weight, temperature and pulse. Then a doctor interviewed us based on the info sheet we submitted.

When the doctor found out that I just finished my period, he told me that it was best to wait for another week before donating blood. I was not a eligible for blood donation at that time. My hubby on the other hand passed both the interview and physical examination. A small amount of blood was extracted from him to test hemoglobin level to ensure that he was eligible to donate. After a few minutes, hubby was told to proceed to step 3.

Step 3: Blood donation
My hubby was asked to sit down on a reclining chair. The medical technician initially inserted a sterile needle into hubby's right arm but had some difficulty locating the proper vein. I found out that it's harder to draw blood on some people. The medical technician was able to draw blood on hubby's left arm. It took around 10 minutes to collect one pint of blood. After the draw was complete, the needle was gently removed and hubby's arm bandaged. Hubby rested for a few minutes.

I learned that for every 'bag' of blood used by the patient, the hospital requires three 'bags' of blood in exchange, regardless of blood type.

The blood are stored in this special blood bank refrigerator.

My SIL is doing much better now. She experienced some bleeding in her stomach but I'm not quite sure what caused it. She has been discharged from the hospital but will be back for check ups and further tests.

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