Sunday, July 13, 2008

Visiting a Friend and Her New Baby

Last Saturday, my husband and I visited our friend Chanda who gave birth a few months ago. We were supposed to visit her a week after she gave birth but it got postponed when I developed cough and colds. I couldn't risk passing it to my friend and her newborn baby. Finally, we were able to push through with the visit last weekend. Another friend, Jackie also came by to visit Chanda and her baby.

The baby's name is Brianna. My friend is a first time mom. She still needs to learn many things about proper baby care. I was surprised that my husband was the one who gave her tips on the proper way of carrying a baby. It brought back memories of the time when Yohan was just a baby. I was scared of holding Yohan because he seemed so fragile. It was my husband who helped me overcome my fear. He was a hands on dad when Yohan was born and I'm very thankful for that.

Chanda told me that she always uses the baby bag I gave on her baby shower. On our visit, we gave her this green baby clothes set with cute bear design. It includes a onesie, pajama and a bib. She still needs to buy other things for Brianna like one of those cute prams and baby pushchairs.

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