Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tagged :: Saturday Social

I was tagged by Hailey. I'm sorry for my very late post.

Saturday Social Question:

How do you keep the spark and excitement in your relationship/marriage?

My Answers:

1. My hubby and I go out on regular dates (just the two of us). We watch movies or try new restaurants.
2. We give gifts to one another during special occasions.
3. We never fail to say "I love you" to one another.

Saturday Social Rules:

  • Post your answer to the Saturday Social question(s) in your blog. Be sure to put in a link to this entry and the blogger who tagged you too!
  • Come back HERE, sign Mr. Linky and why not leave me a comment too ;)
  • Tag your friends… better yet, tag a stranger (what a great way to meet someone new!) You can tag 1 or 100, it is up to you. The more you tag, the more you will meet.
  • Visit other Saturday Social participants by clicking their names in Mr. Linky.
  • Everyone is free to do this meme.

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