Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tagged :: First, Last and Now!

I was tagged by Kathycot to do this meme:


* First name: Rachel
* First screen name: Rach (Heart of Rachel)
* First funeral: my Uncle Ben, I'm not sure how old I was but I was in early grade school
* First piercing: Ears
* First kiss: J.V. (cheek)
* First love: A.J.


* Last beverage drank: Water
* Last food consumed: Dessert (ice-cream)
* Last phone call: hubby
* Last time showered: 4 hours ago
* Last CD played: Light&Easy
* Last website visited: Kathycot's Walk on Red With Me


* Single or taken: Taken
* Gender: Female
* Birthday: March 29
* Sign: Aries
* Shoe size: 8
* Thinking about: The coming weekend.


1.) Me and Mine
2.) Creative in Me
3.) Little Peanut
4.) For the LOVE of Food
5.) Pea in a Pod
6.) SugarMagnolias
7.) Walkonred
8.) Buhaymisis
9.) Kathycot
10.) Whenmomspeaks
11.) Kathycotcooks
12.) Heart of Rachel
13.) your blog

Everyone is welcome to play along. Please let me know when you do.

post signature

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