Friday, July 11, 2008

Blog Awards : Super Commenter and Community Blogger

I would like to take this opportunity to thank two blog pals for giving me the following wonderful awards ...

Thank you to Peppylady for giving me this Super Commenter Award. She gave this award to me and four others. This is what she wrote on her blog ...

When leaving a comment I live by some basic rule I’m honest and respectful.
Now I’m giving this two three of my bloggers coffee pals
I feel all 5 of these people leave comments with honesty and respect. ~ Peppylady

I love receiving comments on my blog. It feels good to hear what others think and feel about the things I share on my site. I would like to pass this award to all my blog friends who visit my blog regularly and leave wonderful remarks.

Thank you to Roselle for this Community Blogger Award.

The community award originated with Cellobella at the Sultana blog, who said, “I wanted the award to say - this is a person who reaches out and makes my blogger community a better one.” I think that is so kind and I’m thrilled to be in the position to pass it along as well as be included in the blogroll. Cellobella asks that nominees of this award e-mail her at (cellobella at gmail dot com) so that she can add your nominees to her blogroll.

I'm so happy to be a recipient of this blog award several times. I would like to share this award to all my regular readers. Your visits continue to inspire me in my blogging.

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