Friday, June 27, 2008

Aloha Friday #32

Rules: Post any question on your blog on a Friday, share your answer and sign Kailani's Mr. Linky. Then have fun answering the questions of fellow participants by visiting their blogs.

What surprise from a special person can you never forget?
(Inspired by a meme question I recently answered at my other blog.)
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usOn August 6, 1998, Jules and I celebrated nine months of being together. He picked me up from work. We watched a movie and had dinner together. When he drove me home, I received a wonderful surprise. As I went inside my room, I was astonished to see so many balloons scattered on the ceiling. The balloons all had "Happy Anniversary" printed on them. They were from Jules.
I found out that he went to our house earlier that day and asked yaya to put all the balloons inside my room.

Jules surprised me with me 9 blue balloons corresponding to each happy month we’ve been together and 3 red balloons symbolizing I Love You. Each balloon had a special note inside so I had to pop each one in order to read the messages. It was a sweet surprise that I will never forget.

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