Thursday, May 01, 2008

Tagged :: Bloggers Around the Globe, Trav's Meme, Link Chain

Tag from Roselle: Bloggers Around the Globe

Let all the bloggers around the globe come together in unity by blog linking. All you have to do is add your name to the list. Don’t forget to specify the country where you are from and of course, link your name to your respective blog. If you have two or more blogs, add and link ‘em all. Then invite 8 or more bloggers to do the same. Here we go!

Julia from Philippines, Catherine from Malaysia, Shi from USA, Mitch from Philippines, Hailey from Philippines, Sexymom from USA, Liza from Philippines, Sasha from Philippines, Thess from Netherlands, Marie from Philippines, Evi from Canada, Christine from Australia, RoseLLe from Australia, Rachel from Philippines, You're Next

I'm tagging Jo and Sheen.

Tag from
Napaboaniya: Trav's 1st Trivia Meme

I'm participating in Trav's First Trivia Meme.
The rules are as follows:
Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to:
1. Choose a category from one of these: Television, Stage & Screen, Nightly News, Publishing, Lives & Times, Music
2. Find 8 bits of trivia about your selected category
3. Be sure to let me know you decide to play along so I can see what you come up with.
4. You may tag, or simply offer the meme for borrowing or stealing as you like.

I chose Televsion. Here are 8 trivia bits about the TV series Prison Break:
  1. Wentworth Miller was a last minute casting choice. He started filming about a week after auditioning/being cast.
  2. Stacy Keach (the Prison Warden) spent six months in a British prison and modeled his character after the man in charge at that institution.
  3. LJ stands for Lincoln Junior.
  4. The character of "D.B. Cooper" is based on an actual person, who in 1971, after hijacking an airliner, extorted $200,000 from its owner, Northwest Orient, and leaped off the airborne plane with 21 pounds of $20 bills strapped to his body. He was never caught.
  5. It takes 4.5 hours to apply the tattoo to Wentwort.
  6. 13 prisons banned the show.
  7. The name of the prison in the show, Fox River, shares the name of a river that runs through Western Chicagoland, near the real prison filming location.
  8. 'Silas Weir Mitchell' (Haywire) originally auditioned for the role of T-Bag.
Trivia reference:

I'm tagging Julie and Daphne.

Tag from Parisukat: Link Building Chain

~~Begin Copy~~

This is the easy way and the fastest way to :
1. Make your Authority Technorati explode.
2. Increase your Google Page Rank.
3. Get more traffic to your blog.
4. Makes more new friends.

Rules :
1. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog
(for bloggers paste on the “compose” not the “edit html” part in posting blogs so it will be linked automatically).
2. Put your own blog name and link.
3. Tag your friends as much as you can, the more the better!

1. Picturing of Life
2. Juliana’s Site
3.Hazel-My Life, My Hope, My Future.
4.Jeanne-The Callalily Space
5.Starz in De Sky
6. My Charmed Life
7.Denz Techtronics
8.Denz Recreational
9.Life’s Simple Pleasures
10. My Blog
11. Because Life is Fun
12. In This Game of Life
13.Scribbles of my Life
14.Changing Lanes
15. anna
16. joytoy
17.Surviving deployment
18. The Deviant
19. All I want is Everything
20. Shadows of love, fate and destiny
21.Tasteful Voyage
22.A mom’s note
23. Bittersweet Collide
24.Jackie Simplypinay
25.Jackie’s Everyday Life
26. Parisukat
27. Heart of Rachel


I'm tagging Cookie, Misty Dawn and Tammy.

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