Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Router Problem

Edited: May 15 @ 2:37 p.m.

Update: The technician from Digitel came here a few minutes ago. I'm so glad I received immediate assistance. It turned out my DSL modem was not compatible with the router that's why I had difficulty installing it. The technician was kind enough to change my existing modem and after merely minutes, the router is already working. Problem solved. :)

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I bought this wireless router and tried to install it last night. I followed the instruction carefully. It seemed easy because once you run the CD (comes with the router), it gives you an easy to follow step by step procedure. I successfully fulfilled Steps 1-9 but upon reaching Step 10, the router failed to detect Internet connection. I will call Digitel customer service tomorrow to request for some assistance. Crossing my fingers that they can help me with this problem. I'm just not the techie type.

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