Saturday, February 23, 2008

Tagged :: Non Fiction All the Way

I've been tagged by my friend, Alice.

What issues/topic interests you most--non-fiction, i.e, cooking, knitting, stitching, there are infinite topics that has nothing to do with novels?
I enjoy making arts and crafts with my son. I also enjoy taking photos and building memories with them.

Would you like to review books concerning those?
It would be nice to read books about art and craft projects. It would be a good way to learn and apply new ideas. I don't have any background in photography but I would love to explore more about it someday. First, I have to get a good camera. :) I'm not too familiar with making a review but I would gladly recommend a good book to family and friends.

Would you like to be paid or do it as interest or hobby? Tell reasons for what ever you choose.
That's a nice thought. Doing something you love is already rewarding but the opportunity to earn from it is a great bonus.

Would you recommend those to your friends and how?
I would proudly share it to my close friends. I would probably call them to share the good news.

If you have already done something like this, link it to your post.
This is my first time to do this.

Please don't forget to link back here or whoever tags you.
Anyone is welcome to do this meme. Enjoy!

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