Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Series of Hearts

My friend Toni is hosting a February Blog Carnival: A Show of Hearts. Here's my entry ...

1 - Taken at the wedding reception of hubby's cousin.
2 - T-shirts for Father's Day and Mother's Day.
3 - Yohan wearing belt with a silver heart during their Christmas presentation in school last year.
4 - Cupcakes made by my hubby and son for my birthday last year.
5 - Victoria Secret Trinket Box and Bag from my mom.
6 - Candy hearts on Yohan's palm.

Interested to join?
Hurry and share your heart pictures (no specific number of photos) on or before Feb. 25, 2008. Don't forget to link Toni and send her the permalink so she can collate all the entries.

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