Monday, January 07, 2008

Heads or Tails #16

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This week's choices:
HEADS - Old *OR* TAILS - New

I chose HEADS - Old

I had a chance to do some de-cluttering before New Year and decided to organize some of my son's things. I found some old toys, clothes and shoes. I decided it would be nice to give some of the things away so that others can make good use of them. I have picked some old toys and clothes that can be donated.

Above are some of Yohan's old shoes that are already too small for him. I will give away some of them but I'd still like to keep some memorable ones as keepsakes, most especially his first set of shoes (blue one, lower left) . I wanted to have it bronzed before to preserve it. I saw a baby store specializing in it but I was told that they do not bronze shoes with soft and light material because it might get deformed.

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