Thursday, November 08, 2007

Yohanism #14

This happened today.

After class, Yohan and I went to the mall to buy a birthday gift for his friend, Nikki.

Me: "Yohan help me find a nice gift for Nikki."
Yohan: "Ok."
After looking around and several suggestions, he saw a Piglet stuffed toy.
Yohan: "How about this one?"
Me: "That's perfect."

I was about to bring it to the cashier when Yohan spotted a Pirate toy set.
Yohan: "You forgot my present. I like Pirates."
Me: "Some other time honey. I don't have extra money."
Yohan: "But you have money from your blog."

I was speechless. I remember telling him before not to disturb me on the computer because I was blogging for money so I can buy him new toys. It was a desperate call to have some quiet time on the computer. Apparently, my little boy has a good memory.

Yohan continued to stress his point.
Yohan: "You have money because you blog after I sleep."
I wanted to laugh but smiled instead. There are times, I tell him to go ahead and sleep, promising to follow him in bed after I finish blogging.
Me: "You're right. Thanks for reminding me."

Hours after this conversation ...

Yohan playing with his Pirate toy set.

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