Monday, November 12, 2007

Tagged :: I'm A Proud Publisher

I was tagged by Thess to do this meme. A good opportunity for me to tell my readers why I joined sponsored blogging.

“BEHIND THE DECISION” originator: Thesserie


  • Please share the reason/s why you decided to do ads/paid posts. State how your earning is helping you in any way.
  • Pass it to 2 bloggers/publishers only.
  • After my name, list ALL your monetized blogs. If you have more than one blog, add the next blogs by using numbers only (such as 1, 2, 3, see my example) instead of long links.
  • Use the button but please no direct linking.
  • I would really appreciate it if you could drop me a line should you decide to entertain this tag. I would like to pay you a visit and add you on my list.

I was hesitant to venture into sponsored blogging before, thinking that my blog friends might lose interest in my blog. However, when I had dinner with blog friends, Jo and Liz, one of our topics was financial rewards from blogging. Liz already started sponsored blogging at that time and she told us about her earnings. It was then that I realized the potential of earning well through paid blogging. I was inspired to give it a try too. Besides, there's no harm in trying. Jo even encouraged me to try it using the thought of purchasing my own LCD or better yet my own lap top as my motivation.

I first registered for PPP and got accepted. I admit, after getting accepted, I didn't grab the opportunities that came my way. I took my time but when I earned my first $20 from my first post, I said to myself that was easy. I was inspired to write more.

The persons I thought of tagging are the very ones who inspired me to give sponsored blogging a try... Jo and Liz.

Thesserie, 2 & 3 | Rachel , 2 | Jo | Liz

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