Tuesday, November 06, 2007

PMN November Fam Pic :: Plated

PMN Fam Pic Theme for November: PLATED

I'm late with my PMN Fam Pic this month but better late than never. :) I didn't make it to the round-up list but I decided to still post my entry.

When I read this month's theme ~ Plated ~ I immediately thought of F O O D! Typical of me. Ha ha!

Below tells a little of the collage above:

1 - I love pandesal for breakfast especially with sunny side-up eggs.
2 - For me, the best partner of suman (delicacy made of sticky rice) is mango.
3 - Strawberries go well with sugar and cream.
4 - I love Cupcakes by Sonja located at Serendra.
5 - But nothing beats homemade cupcakes made by my hubby and son.
6 - Oops, I forgot #6 but I'm too lazy to edit the collage. :)
7 - My hubby makes delicious Apple Pie Ala Mode.
8 - A hearty meal composed of rice, mixed veggies and prawns with lemon and butter sauce.
9 - Ingredients for Shabu-Shabu or Hot Pot.

10 - Gold plated Chinese Good luck charms.

(Nov. 7, 2007, 9:15 p.m.) -Thanks Julie, Mitch and Cookie for informing me about the Fam Pics extension so I was able to e-mail my entry. I'm glad I made it to the round-up after all.

**Round-Up Fam Pics for the Month of November**

  1. Pinayhekmi: Scrambled eggs
  2. Ruth: Filipino breakfast
  3. Lynn: Tukneneng
  4. Mommy Chi: Fried rice and beef stew
  5. Ajay: Because pancit is my favorite dish
  6. Julie: PinoyMomsNetwork Fam Pics 3: Plated (On a Plate)
  7. Connie: Chopsticks on a plate
  8. Cookie: PMN Fampics Series 3 : Plated
  9. KK: Eclectic taste
  10. Feng: Plated on a operating table
  11. Raqgold: Schlachtplatte
  12. Vicky: What’s for tea?-Lean Pork N Cabbage on Stripey Plate

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