Friday, November 30, 2007

Photo Hunt :: Red

Come and join the hunt here.

Sometimes I long to be as carefree as a child. Without worries and problems to weigh you down. Just thinking of what to play, activity to do or what to watch on TV. Life seems so simple, so uncomplicated, so happy when you are a child.

Photo above was taken earlier this afternoon when Yohan and I enjoyed a nice walk around the village. It's been cold and windy throughout the day, so let him wear a red sweater and matching red pants when we went out. We also visited one of my hubby's grandmothers who lives in the same village. She was delighted to see Yohan and gave him some oranges to bring home.

I like this time of the year. I like the cold breeze in the air. Imagine, we haven't opened the aircon nor the electric fan the whole day. We certainly saved on electricity today. :)

** To my friends, sorry I'm behind my visits. I've been a little busy but I hope to catch up with all of you on the days to come. **

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