Saturday, November 03, 2007

Photo Hunt :: Classic

These photos were taken at the new house of Lolo Luis, Yohan's grandfather. Here you could see Yohan sitting down on a classic wooden rocking chair.

If you see in the earlier picture, there's a decor on top of the table. Below is a close-up photo. It is a model of the classic mode of transport of handicrafts for sale.

I remember as a child, I would see a carriage like this selling different kinds of baskets. I fondly remember my dad buying me a nice basket that I could use for playing a game of pretend. I loved pretending going to the market and I would pick leaves and flowers and think of them as vegetables and fruits. Then I would pretend to use these ingredients for cooking.

Yohan's comments on our visit to Lolo Luis' new house.

Lolo Luis was touring us inside the house and opening the lights as we entered each room. It was already late afternoon and getting dark so he opened all the lights in the living room (pin lights).

We all laughed when Yohan said, "You are wasting electricity."


Yohan: I want to see upstairs.
Lolo Luis: We don't have an upstairs. (It is a single story house)
Yohan: (with a puzzled look) No upstairs!? But why?
Yohan's concept of a house is a two-story one.

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