Sunday, November 25, 2007

Meeting Friends Online

I was already in college when I started enjoying the Internet. At first, I used it merely for research purposes to augment data from library references. I didn't have a computer at home and would just go to the library to use one of the computers.

I became a more frequent user of the Internet when I started working. It’s where I met a colleague who loves to chat and play online games after office hours. He told me that he enjoys visiting chat rooms and meeting new friends. At first I was skeptical that one could meet a good friend through chatting but I was wrong. My colleague told me of the interesting friendships he formed online.

I realized that friendships can really take place online after experiencing it myself. When I started blogging, I met lots of wonderful people. In fact, I had the privilege of meeting some in person. Aside from leaving comments on their blogs, I also chat with some blog friends from time to time. Blogging has become one of my hobbies and I take delight at visiting blog friends and learning more about them on every visit. Blogging can be quite rewarding because of the friendships you form all around the world.

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