Sunday, November 04, 2007

Making the Best of Both Worlds

My friend Tina(KK), has already put up my site,

It's already up and ready. I'm excited and very happy about it.. I thought about my new home and contemplated of moving this old blog there. However, I realized that if I move my blog I would lose all your comments. I love your comments and I would be sad to lose all your sweet thoughts. I'm afraid, I don't have the technical ability and knowledge to transport HaloScan to WP.

I kept thinking, what should I do? Then I thought, why can't I have the best of both worlds?

I decided to maintain this blog and work on making another home ... a new haven. I know others who have more than one blog and want to give it a try. I have basic knowledge of WP but I'm looking forward to exploring it more.

For the mean time, let me prepare my other home. Make it nice and cozy for everyone. I will invite you very soon...

An update on Yohan:

I would like to thank everyone for your concern and prayers. Yohan is better now although I'm still concerned about his slight fever.

Thank you Rowena for your text messages. I really appreciate your concern.

I brought Yohan to his pediatrician this morning for a check-up. When I rushed Yohan to the ER yesterday because of severe stomach pain, I was really scared. Resident doctors suggested some lab tests. His CBC results indicate healthy platelets and his Urinalysis normal. However, the resident doctor suggested possible bacterial infection and prescribed antibiotics. I thought it best not to immediately buy the antibiotics and consult with Yohan's pediatrician. He wasn't at the clinic yesterday but available the following day.

Jules and I brought Yohan to the hospital this morning where the pediatrician has a clinic. We were surprised that there were many patients already waiting for the doctor. I saw some children who look sick and weak and I felt sorry for them. We waited for our turn. We were #17 out of 23 patients. It was quite a long wait but the hospital had a nice food lounge where we chose to stay. I also didn't want to expose Yohan to the other sick kids to be on the safe side.

When the nurse called us inside the clinic, I heard that the child brought in before us was to be confined but didn't know what the reason was. I felt sorry for the poor girl and hope that she will be alright.

When it was Yohan's turn, the doctor said that it was a good sign that Yohan was active. He didn't have fever at the time of our visit and the doctor said to continue monitoring him. He said not to worry too much and hopefully it is just a viral infection. He just said to continue giving paracetamol as needed. Good thing I didn't buy the antibiotics as prescribed by the resident doctor yesterday.

He developed slight fever after we got home but he is fine now. We decided not to let him go to school tomorrow so he could rest home. We will monitor his condition and hopefully the fever will not recur anymore.

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