Sunday, November 11, 2007

Integrity Award

Misty of My Dogs Keep Me Sane gave me this meaningful award.

This award was authored by The Little Aussie Cynic to honor those blogs with integrity. Here's Aussie's post:
After looking, reading and watching many many Blogs and bloggers I decided to issue some recognition to those fellow bloggers I feel maintain integrity in the Blogs. All these bloggers incorporate within their wonderful sites, an integrity not always seen. They share terrific stories, topics, discussions and images. All Well worth a look.

This award have different categories and Misty put me under For the Spirit of Giving. It's an honor to receive this sweet recognition. Thank you Misty for being so kind and thoughtful.

I'm happy to pass it on to the following people...

~For Creativity~
Raquel of Home Worked
Anna of My Hide-away

~For The Spirit of Giving~
Vicki of MahalKaayo
Darlene of My Life, My World

~For Staying True To Their Beliefs~
Gracie of Echoes of Grace
Tammy of My Gentle Retreat

~For Keeping it Real~
Nancze of I'm an Okie Gal

Susie of Susie's Place

~For Social Conscience~
Junnie of Memento
Belle of Simply Belle

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