Friday, November 02, 2007

I'm On Top of the World

I can't believe it, my friend Tina gave me a generous gift. I did not win in her contest but she decided to give me a special award ... my very own domain name ...

Rachel with her soulful thoughts would also be moving into her new home: as well. I decided to give her a 2 year registration and hosting with the same capacity as the Bill for her terrific efforts. ~ Tina

Sending all of you my HEARTFELT GRATITUDE!

Thank you to my family, friends and friends-of-friends for your all out support. I appreciaet the time and effort you gave to help me in the contest. Thank you to everyone who left a message on Tina's blog. I was overwhelmed with joy upon reading your comments. When I found out that Bill was leading in terms of statistics, I didn't feel that sad because your comments made me feel like a winner in my own right. Thank you to those who clicked the heart link even though you didn't leave a comment. I truly appreciate your kind gesture.

Special Thanks to Vicki, Mike, Chona and Nina for posting sticky notes and special posts on their respective blogs to help me. A touching gesture I will never forget. Thank you to all your friends who have helped me.

Tina will be helping me move to my new home. I will keep everyone posted. Take care!

Congratulations to the grand winner, Bill!

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