Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Heads or Tails #13

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This week's theme: Never Say Never

  • I never pictured myself living outside of the city. I admit, I miss living in Manila and contemplating of going back. It needs a lot of planning so I'll leave it at that for now and see what happens.
  • I never thought I'd lose weight after giving birth. I lost a lot of weight last year. Sadly I gained several pounds back this year but I know I can do it again if I make enough effort to do so.
  • There was a time, I thought life was always great and I would never experience some of the problems my friends had at one point experienced in life. I was wrong. Life is not always a bliss. However, I'm thankful to God for keeping me on the right track and for family and friends for helping me be strong and hopeful.

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